Corporate Brochures
As one of the largest energy suppliers in the United States, ENGIE Resources offers a wide range of innovative products and services to industrial and commercial businesses—including renewable energy and demand response. Get a brief snapshot of facts about our company.
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As one of the world's leading energy providers, ENGIE provides electricity, natural gas, and energy services to millions of customers. Discover key facts and figures about our global company.
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This report covers the business model, the contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, new objectives supporting SBTI certification, and provides greater transparency on the distribution of value among stakeholders.
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Whether it’s clean power, facilities maintenance, or modernization projects, look to ENGIE for the answers. Being your partner means we can finance, design, build, operate, maintain and manage your building systems and energy infrastructure projects.
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Sustainability Brochures
ENGIE promotes sustainable operations by helping you optimize economic, environmental, and social responsibility without neglecting the bottom line. Our sustainable solutions enable us to combine efficiency, competitiveness, and reliability.
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ENGIE has developed a new approach to sustainable energy strategies – one that enables customers to create the economic value required to invest in renewable energy opportunities, while achieving other energy targets.
View PDFUse RECs to offset indirect greenhouse gas emissions and help fund the operation and development of domestic renewable energy. RECs represent the environmental attributes or benefits associated with a specific quantity of energy generated from a renewable source, such as solar or wind.
View PDFportfolioRE provides a boldly innovative opportunity to aggregate small and midsize customers with simplified renewable supply options, tailored to fit load profiles and low-carbon objectives.
View PDFContract physical volumes of renewable energy with easyRE, ENGIE’s physical green supply solution. Physical volumes, primarily wind or solar, are incorporated into traditional retail supply contracts along with RECs. Physical transactions enable marketing claims tied to a specific source (when possible), and firm volume and fixed-price offerings ensure predictability in month-to-month costs.
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easyRE gives customers the ability to contract physical volumes of merchant renewable energy, direct with renewable energy generators or through intermediaries. One option is to source power out of Wind Energy for PJM customers.
View PDFENGIE enables custom structured solutions through customRE, tailored strategies facilitated through traditional retail supply agreements with flexible contract terms. These can involve a range of services.
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We will identify the renewable asset that offers the best possible deal structure for our customers. This report offers a look at the contracted volume in 38 agreements across our three primary renewable energy products.
View PDFThese long-term, off-site solar or wind solutions are flexible instruments that are aligned to sustainability strategies and customized to specific goals and objectives. Customers benefit from corporate tax incentives, contract value with MWh prices locked in over 12- to 15-year terms, regional economic development, and sustainability impact by developing renewable assets that would not otherwise exist.
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There is no better time to explore sustainability than on the heels of a recent supply agreement. If you’re ready for a curtain call that keeps the momentum going, ENGIE offers a suite of sustainability products that serve as a perfect encore and makes you and your organization leaders in the low carbon transition.
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Product Brochures

With competitive pricing and an unrivaled commitment to customer service, ENGIE Resources offers a range of custom natural gas product structures to both transport and utility choice program commercial and industrial customers.
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If you want some level of price certainty without incurring the risk premiums associated with load-following fixed-price supply contracts, Block and Index plans offer an excellent fit and alternative.
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Another electricity service price option is a Heat Rate plan—a contract based on a conversion factor (heat rate) required to turn an input fuel (i.e., natural gas) into electricity. This pricing method using gas locks is common in regions where natural gas generation plays a more significant role in the mix of generation resources.
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ENGIE 20/20 provides insight into your energy use, demand, and cost trends by benchmarking against user-defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)—helping identify usage and demand anomalies that allow you to take proactive action and control energy costs. ENGIE 20/20 then notifies your ENGIE account team of these anomalies, so they can alert you and help determine the cause.
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