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Market Monitor Blog

Your home for commercial electricity and natural gas market news—covering market factors like supply, demand, regulatory affairs, weather, and more.

Jul 09 2024

Trading Places

Last week was rare. Pricing requests for ERCOT were almost 100% focused on fixed-price solutions. Read more

Jul 09 2024

Trends Expand

If you are looking for a trend opportunity, technical analysis could help. Three Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA) is a popular technical analysis indicator used to analyze the direction of a market trend. Read more

Jul 09 2024

Early Look at GDP

The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 1.4% in the first quarter and the second quarter looks about the same. Read more

Jul 09 2024

Global Warming Causing Sleepless Nights

Global mean temperatures set a new record in 2023, with nighttime temperatures increasing faster than daytime. The result is more sleepless nights, according to a study from Climate Central. Read more

Jul 01 2024

Bearish Expansion

If you are looking for a trend opportunity, technical analysis could help. Three Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA) is a popular technical analysis indicator used to analyze the direction of a market trend. Read more

Jul 01 2024

Taming Energy Turbulence

The tumultuous energy market of 2022 impacted the entire energy landscape, forcing businesses to reprioritize their operations. Read more

Jul 01 2024

Paying a Green Energy Premium

There’s a considerable momentum behind the renewables market in the US, and the market for these green supply products commands a premium. Read more

Jun 24 2024

Risk-Off Rules

Interest in market-based risk waned last week with drops everywhere except PJM. Read more

Jun 24 2024

Downtrends Dominate PJM W

If you are looking for a trend opportunity, technical analysis could help. Three Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA) is a popular technical analysis indicator used to analyze the direction of a market trend. Read more