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Survey Reveals Mixed Feelings on Energy RFPs

February 17, 2025

When it comes to RFPs, some people swear by them while others swear at them. The question of whether RFPs are worthwhile does not have a straightforward answer. It largely depends on the specific needs of the buyer. RFPs offer a structured and competitive approach to procurement and can mitigate risks. However, they also come with significant time and cost investments and may stifle innovation and creativity.

We asked a group of 30 organizational buyers to weigh in via an online poll. We asked: "What is your view of the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for energy supply contracts?"

The responses provided valuable insights into the current sentiment on the topic.

Survey Results:

• RFPs play a crucial role in the selection process: 18 responses
• RFPs are a formality. The winner is pre-determined in most cases: 7 responses
• It depends: 5 responses

The majority of respondents (18 out of 30) believe that RFPs play a crucial role in the selection process. This indicates a strong confidence in the RFP process as a fair and transparent method for selecting energy suppliers.

On the other hand, 7 respondents expressed skepticism, viewing RFPs as a mere formality with pre-determined winners. Five poll takers were on the fence.

To RFP or not to RFP chart