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Climate Change and Security Threats

March 02, 2020

Climate Security

The Center for Climate and Security has issued a report that warns of high to catastrophic threats to security given current climate change trajectories. A panel of national security, military and intelligence experts conclude that even low risk scenarios will produce severe risks to national and global security in the next three decades.

Under a medium-to-long term, 3.6-7.2+°F warming scenario, North America would experience extreme heat, sea level rise, and disaster events, with severe impact on critical and security infrastructure. The region would become divided, and potentially entangled in resource competitions.

Globally, these threats could come about rapidly, destabilizing the regions and relationships on which U.S. and international security depend. Climate change will present significant threats to U.S. military missions across all geographic areas of responsibility, in addition to regional security institutions and infrastructure critical for maintaining global security.

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