Brokers & Consultants - Documents

Use of the term "Brokers & Consultants" does not create or imply a legal partnership or any other fiduciary relationship between you and ENGIE Resources.

Step 1: Fill out and submit our Online Inquiry Form.

Step 2: Complete and collect all nine Additional Application Documents.

Download Required Documents

  1. Payment Remittance Agreement Payment Remittance Agreement
  2. W-9 W-9
  3. Vendor Bank Verification  Vendor Bank Verification
    (Must be on a Bank Letterhead and include Account name, Account number, Routing SWIFT OR IBAN, Contact Info for a bank Representative, Date)
  4. New Broker & Consultant Request
  5. Broker Background Check Broker Background Check
    (Including the names and addresses of all principals)

Gather Required Documents

  1. State Licenses/Approvals
    Copies of broker/agent licenses and/or state approval documents for every state in which you intend to do business
  2. Marketing Materials
    Copies of each piece of marketing material shown to or left behind for customers and prospects
  3. Introductory Forms
    A copy of your specific LOA, Agent Exclusivity Form or Letter of Engagement used with your customers
  4. Pricing Bid Sheets
    Copies of any pricing bid sheet [if applicable] used with customers that was created by your company

Step 3: Submit your completed packet of information to

Unapproved or incomplete applications may not be notified.

Thank you for your interest in becoming an ENGIE Resources broker. We look forward to receiving your completed packet of information soon.

Upon receipt of completed application, an ENGIE Resources representative will contact you within 15 business days if there is a potential fit.